Paulo José de A. C. Aguiar

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  Para ver esta página em Português clique aqui See some "mysteries" that the Universe gives us: the dark energy

Who am I I am a co-worker of grupo de Cosmologia e Física Gravitacional integrated in CAAUL (Centro de Astronomia e Astrofísica da Universidade de Lisboa) in classical cosmology area. I research in collaboration of Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto (CAUP).
Teaching I am professor of Universidade Lusíada do Porto, in full time, teaching the subjects "Análise de Dados", &"Análise e Tratamento de Dados", "Estatística" e "Estatística Multivariada" to several undergraduated courses. I supervise projects of end of undergraduated courses in Mathematics area and master degree theses in Mathematics  / Physics.

I collaborate part-time at the Universidade Portcalense Infante D. Henrique from September 1st 2010, teaching the subjects "Mathematics", "Quantitative Methods" and "Optimization Techniques", to undergraduated courses in Management, Economics and Hotel Management.

I was teacher in Instituto Superior Politécnico Gaya (ISPGAYA), teaching subjects in Mathematics and Physics areas for undergraduated courses in Engineering, Management and Accounting, from October 1st 2002 to July 31th 2010.

I was teacher in Universidade Fernando Pessoa, in school year 1998/99, teaching the subjects Fundamentos de Matemática I and II.

I was junior teacher during last year of my first graduation, teaching the subjects  Física Experimental and Fundamentos de Física, for the Physics and Chemistry courses of FCUP, respectively.

Works Place Universidade Lusíada do Porto, Rua Dr. Lopo de Carvalho, 4369-006 Porto, Portugal
Phone.: +351 22 557 08 00 Fax: +351 22 557 08 97

, Campo Grande, Edifício C8, 1749-016 Lisboa, Portugal
Phone.: +351 21 750 00 55 Fax: +351 21 750 09 77
Academic Degrees
Main Scientific Publications
  • "Axially Symmetric Cosmological Models with Perfect Fluid and Cosmological Constant" (Published in Astrophysics and Space Science 261:299,Kluwer Academic Publishers (1999))
  • "Dust-filled axially symmetric universes with cosmological constant" (Published in Physical Review D 62, 123511 (2000))
  • "Isotropization, Geometry and Destiny of some Anisotropic Models" (Published in Cosmology 2000 Conference Proceedings)
  • Pre-prints in astro-ph
  • Pre-prints in gr-qc
2009 was the International Year of Astronomy (IYA 2009). Many events took place in Portugal and in many countries around the world. In this commemoration was celebrated the 400 years of observations from Galileo Galilei. Watch the promotional video that was produced for Portugal.
You can see the events from the following links:
Down of the IYA 2009
IYA 2009 (Portugal)
IYA 2009 (Genral)


Detailed Curriculum Vitae is available in DeGois page.

I am an effective member of SPA, a scientific society recently created in our country.
Visit the
Sociedade Portuguesa de Astronomia (SPA) site!

I am a member of Núclio (Núcleo Interactivo de Astronomiathat is a non profit private association composed by professional and amateur Astronomers witch proposes to divulge Astronomy!



  Universidade Lusíada do Porto
Rua Dr. Lopo de Carvalho
4369-006 Porto, Portugal

Phone.: +351 22 557 08 00
Fax:     +351 22 557 08 97

Centro de Astronomia e Astrofísica da Universidade de Lisboa
Campo Grande, Ed. C8, Gabinete 8.6.12
1749-016 Lisboa, Portugal

Phone: +351 21 750 09 75 (hotline)
Fax:    +351 21 750 09 77

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